

A collection of website pages designed to provide students with a complete online learning experience. Inspired from the most popular learning platforms on the web today.

Student demo
Student Dashboard
Page with subscription status, recent courses, student rewards, quiz performance and forum activity
Browse Courses
View Course
Page for non-paying students with a course video preview, course lessons list, partial access to some lessons, pricing (subscription or single purchase), about the instructor and course ratings
Take Course
Page for paying members with access to all course lessons and download lesson files
Take Quiz
Page with a sidebar navigation for the quiz questions, a quiz countdown timer and quiz statistics
Quiz Results
Page displaying the summary of a single quiz submission by a student, displaying the correct answers and offering the possibility to restart the quiz
My Courses
Page displaying only the courses started by the student, with progress activity
Student Profile - Courses
Page displaying acquired skills with courses completed by the student and rewards
Student Profile - Posts
Page displaying posts published by the student
Instructor Profile
Page displaying the instructor rating and a public portfolio of all the courses by the instructor


A collection of website pages designed to provide teachers with a complete publishing platform for learning. Inspired from the most popular learning platforms on the web today.

Instructor demo
Instructor Dashboard
Page with earnings statistics displaying the last 30 days, sales by Course, latest transactions and latest student comments
Course Manager
Page displaying the instructor courses portfolio
Add or Edit Course
Page editor for course title, description, sortable associated lessons, course video, course meta with category, duration, start and end date and completion badges.
Create or Edit Lesson
Page editor with lesson title, associated course, lesson video, and drag & drop file uploader.
Create or Edit Quiz
Page editor with basic quiz information such as title, associated course, image uploader, quiz time limit, sortable quiz questions and a custom question modal interface
Review Quiz
Page displaying the submissions and review history for a single quiz, with review options and score assignment per question for instructors
Page for system notifications or student / instructor private messaging
Page with sales statistics by year and by course
Page with detailed transaction history

Utility pages

Every website needs these pages. Forget about login, signup, forgot password and more. We've got it.

Forgot Password
Edit Account
Page with common editable profile fields (avatar image upload, the student name, email, password, etc) and Account Billing settings with saved payment methods
Edit Account - Basic Information
Page with common editable account fields (first name, last name, email) and change password
Edit Account - Profile & Privacy
Page with common editable profile fields (avatar image upload, profile name, about) and privacy settings
Billing - Subscription
Page with subscription information such as current plan, billing cycle, payment information and cancel subscription
Billing - Upgrade Account
Page with subscription plan upgrade.
Billing - Payment History
Page with payment history, past invoices and overdue payment notice with the option to pay
Billing - Payment Information
Make Payment
Page with saved payment options such as credit cards, PayPal or pay by a different card form
Page for purchasing multiple items at once
Printable Invoice template page
Page for system notifications or student / instructor private messaging
Messages #2